After six and a half years at the University at Buffalo, the GETCOT lab has moved to the University of Florida, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment in Gainesville, Florida.
GETCOT lab moving to the University of Florida

After six and a half years at the University at Buffalo, the GETCOT lab has moved to the University of Florida, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment in Gainesville, Florida.
Consumer electronics are turning into consumable devices nowadays, and consumers generally show little inclination to repair broken products due to the lack of repair infrastructures and relative high repair costs. On the other hand, technical, operational, and economic barriers impede… Read More
The profitability of Electronic waste (e-waste) recovery operations is quite challenging due to various sources of uncertainties in quantity, quality and timing of returns originating from consumers’ behavior. The cloud-based remanufacturing concept, data collection and information tracking technologies seems a… Read More
Profitability of End-of-Use or End-of-Life (EOU/L) product recovery systems is highly affected by the uncertainties in quantity, quality and timing of return. Some parts of these uncertainties are originated from consumer behavior. As a common habit, consumers often keep their… Read More
Consumers often have a tendency to store their used, old or un-functional electronics for a period of time before they discard them and return them back to the waste stream. This behavior increases the obsolescence rate of used still-functional products… Read More
The profitable reusability of End-of-Use or End-of-Life (EoU/L) products depends on how consumers have used them over the initial lifecycles and what are their EoU conditions. In addition to consumers’ behavior, product design features such as product durability has an… Read More
The GETCOT Lab applies multi-disciplinary approaches to develop design engineering solutions with the ultimate goal of creating sustainable systems.
Green Engineering Technologies for the Community of Tomorrow